Month: August 2010

When it Came to Splitting Babies, Solomon was the King

SolomonAs well known as Solomon was for being, perhaps, the richest man in history, it didn’t escape the attention of Hebrew Bible writers that the man was pretty wise too. Is there anyone who has forgotten the story which spawned his claim to fame? It is told in 1 Kings 3:16-18. We’ll hit the highlights.

How to Study the Bible and…Credit Cards

how to study the BibleFor the religious person, the Bible is the first choice when it comes to figuring out this crazy thing called life but sometimes it’s hard to figure out exactly how to study the Bible in order to apply it to the issue at hand. Let’s take credit cards. We’re pretty sure there were no credit cards around in the days of King Solomon so we’re at a loss as to whether or not the Bible is in favor or against. In the absence of direct guidance, what the heck, it must be okay, so max ’em all out, right?

King Solomon’s Wealth More Than Mr. Gates?

King Solomon's wealthEveryone knows King Solomon’s wealth surpassed anything the ancient world had seen but was he richer than the world’s current richest man, Microsoft founder Bill Gates? Right now, Gates net worth is estimated at around $40 billion. To his credit, he’s signed a pledge to give half of it away and is at the forefront of a worldwide effort to eradicate AIDS and distribute computers to Third World countries. That aside, let’s take a hypothetical look at the numbers between the two men.

Solomon Proverbs a Pipeline to a Successful Life

Solomon proverbsWhat are the Solomon proverbs and what do they have to do with anything happening today? Quite a lot, in our opinion. The qualities of wisdom and foolishness are timeless and lessons about them ring as true today as ever, especially when considering the divinely inspired nature of the writings. Proverbs is a book in the Bible that is usually included when the discussion turns to “wisdom literature.” Others are the Book of Job, Ecclesiastes, the Song of Solomon, and Psalms.

To Put it Bluntly, God Hates a Cheat

Bible businessIf you can point to a scripture where the wisdom of God encourages cheating and dishonesty, we’ll be glad to reevaluate our opinion, but to us it appears that, in the Bible, business morals and ethics are held to a high standard. In fact, Proverbs 11:1 plainly states, “A false balance is an abomination to the Lord but a just weight is his delight.” While today’s ultra-modern business climate does not place a heavy demand on those who use

Christian Investment Plan Difficult, Not Impossible to Find

Christian investmentIf you are having trouble finding Christian investment options, you’re not alone. Sometimes it seems like the hardest thing in the world to find businesses not associated in any way with what you consider immoral choices like abortion, pornography, anti-family entertainment, non-married lifestyles, alcohol, tobacco, and gambling.

King Solomon – the Short Version

King SolomonThe Biblical King Solomon was known for his wisdom, wealth, and writing. He is generally given credit for having authored Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Solomon’s rise to power was not without incident. As the son of King David and Bathsheba, Solomon was promised the throne even though he wasn’t the eldest son. This irked Adonijah, who was the eldest son and had expected the keys to the Kingdom to be handed to him.

King Solomon’s Wisdom Via Christian Podcast

Christian podcastThe Biblical business and investing wisdom of the ages is coming to an iPod near you, thanks to the efforts of Jason Hartman, founder of Empowered Investor Network, and host of The Creating Wealth Show. The remarkable success of his original show inspired Jason to take the wisdom of the author of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, King Solomon, and combine it with probing interviews of leading Biblical thinkers and investors. The result is a Christian podcast like no other.

In the Bible, Money Should be Invested

bible moneyRecent entries have focused on finding Bible entries that portray God as a pro-investment kind of deity. Perhaps nowhere is the sentiment more clearly expressed that, by the Bible, money is meant for investing than the Book of Luke, Chapters 11-26. Do you remember this one, commonly referred to as the Parable of the Ten Minas? Let’s recap.

Proverbs Commentary Illustrates How to Choose Investments

proverbs commentaryProverbs 23:4 – “Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”

Alrighty then. It looks to us what King Solomon is conveying to us through this Proverbs commentary is that wisdom, understanding, and knowledge are essential elements to success in business or investing. We have to look no further back into history than the so-called boom and bust of the late 1990’s to understand the basic truth in this advice.