Year: 2011

Jason's 10 Commandments of Successful Investing

<img class="alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-717" src="×150.jpg" alt="" width="150" height="150" />Every so often we like to present a refresher course, a sort of back-to-basics recap of how to become a successful investor. Obviously, we're not trying to diminish, in any way, THE first 10 commandments, but when it comes to investing, here are ten principles you should pay attention to.

Is Your Christian Investment Green?

We’re not here today to ponder the merits of whether your Christian investment is green enough, but rather to consider the reality of what the recent recession has done to the so-called “green” movement. When we talk about green, we’re referring to the practice of greening up a house during construction so that it is more environmental friendly. Some green options would be:

High Mortgage Balance Equals Better Insurance Protection

Previous generations of well-meaning parents and grandparents drilled into our heads that it’s better to pay with cash and, by all means, attack that mortgage balance with ferocity until you are equity rich and balance poor. Unfortunately, we live in a different economic reality these days, one where Jason Hartman’s idea of periodically refinancing your loan to keep your mortgage principal balance high makes sense for yet another reason.

King Solomon’s Money Proverbs

As you probably recall from your Sunday school lessons, King Solomon was a very wealthy man, having earned God’s favor to such an extent that his wealth accumulated dramatically. Though he spent a good amount of time being a good steward of the wealth the Lord had seen fit to bless him with, he also devoted himself to recording a set of teachings, in short form, that can be found in the Bible in the Book of Proverbs.

Government Housing Entitlement Ending in Pricey US Neighborhoods

SolomonSuccess.comUpscale neighborhoods in California, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts are getting set for another dip in home prices as the government plans to stop backing mortgages there by the end of the summer. For the past three years, federal programs have acted as a government housing entitlement by promising to reimburse private lenders in the event a home owner defaults and, in the process, have found themselves on the hook for loans going as high as $730,000. Obviously, this has kept the prices artificially high in these areas since private lenders wouldn’t have loaned money on them at all if Big Brother hadn’t promised to hover in the background and pick up the pieces.

Christian Response to a Terrorist’s Death – Somewhere Between Elation and Revulsion

SolomonSuccess.orgSunday evening television brought visions of beer-swilling college students milling about outside the White House and in Times Square, shouting pro-America slogans whilst celebrating the death of a Muslim extremist. So…how does that make YOU feel? For some, such scenes make us a little queasy. Struck a little too close to home. Resemble a bit much a procession of similar celebrations in Islamic countries where citizens cheered on the latest American loss of life. All that was missing was gunfire into the air and effigies engulfed in flames.

Sounding Goofier than Charlie Sheen? Get More Sleep.

SolomonSuccess.comWe’re not suggesting that all the recent mental problems exhibited by Two and a Half Men star, Charlie Sheen, can be traced to too little sleep, but that might be a start on curing the problem. For time immemorial, business gurus and entrepreneurs have preached the necessity of cutting back on sleep time in order to get the most productivity from your day.

Our Favorite Bits of King Solomon’s Wisdom

SolomonSuccess.comThe list of all the bits of wisdom that can be culled from King Solomon’s wisdom as dispensed through the Book of Proverbs is quite impressive. Here is a partial collection of our favorites that are related to money and wealth…

7 Indisputable Biblical Principles

SolomonSuccess.comBefore you can make any progress along the path to prosperity, you must come to grips with seven biblical principles. Ignore any or all at your own peril, because we have a good idea that someone up there is paying attention.

God created everything
Genesis says it all. In the beginning there was nothing, then God created everything, even silver and gold. Also realize that all your possessions are merely on loan for the short time you’re here on earth. Provides a bit of perspective, doesn’t it?