Month: August 2013

QM Rule Updates May Help Housing Recovery

King Solomon’s views on deceitfulness and unfair dealing are clear. Many of his Proverbs warn of the need to avoid the wicked and behave wisely in order to prosper – and that’s why his words guide...

More Charges Ahead for the Big Banks

In his proverbs, King Solomon made it clear that anyone who watts to live a prosperous life blessed by God must turn away from those who lie and deceive. “The simplicity of the just shall guide...

Should Investors Prepare for Septaper?

As King Solomon tells us in his proverbs, prudent money management means looking ahead and being prepared, just like the ant who gathers food in the summer for the winter to come. That kind of...

Social Media: Tools for Prudent Investors

Would King Solomon tweet – or have a Facebook page? Because the monarch valued wisdom and prudence above virtually all else, chances are, he would. Love it or hate it, social media drives business...

Eminent Domain Home Seizures Worry Lenders

King Solomon’s wisdom made his kingdom wealthy and prosperous, and that’s one reason his Proverbs stand as sound investing advice today. Rulers in Solomon’s day had absolute sway over their...

Retirement Realities and Encore Careers

The Proverbs of King Solomon tell us that the crowning achievement of a life lived wisely and prudently is a rich old age, surrounded by the fruits of diligent labor and a loving family. That’s the...

Make the Home Office Deduction Work For You

The wise King Solomon never encountered the Internal Revenue Service, yet his advice for managing money and prospering can guide nervous entrepreneurs who fear an audit for claming an entirely...

Prudent Buyers Rent Before They Leap

It’s well known that King Solomon advises prudence in all decision making. And that’s especially important in home buying, where an impulse purchase can end up being a costly mistake that tasks time...