Year: 2014

Is Housing In Recovery – Or Decline?

One of King Solomon’s key pieces of advice for investing – and living – well is to practice prudence and discernment in every endeavor. That’s good advice for investors to keep in mind today, as...

New Technology Supports Bitcoin Freedom

King Solomon’s advice for prosperity is based on wisdom and prudence – careful thought, intelligent decisions and taking precautions to stay safe. As institutions around the world ram up their...

Build Wealth With Property, Not Precious Metals

“Choose knowledge, rather than gold, “King Solomon tells us I Proverbs 8:10, pointing out that, however glamorous, gold has limited staying power. For today's investors, too, the wise King’s words...

Prudent Investing Saves on Capital Gains Taxes

Wise investors following the principles of King Solomon know that prudence and forward thinking lay the groundwork for prosperity. And it turns out that investors who take Jason Hartman's advice to...

Real Estate Trumps Gold for Long Term Returns

King Solomon advises us in his Proverbs to seek wisdom over gold and silver. And it turns out that in these modern times, wise investors recognize that gold and silver aren’t the most prudent of...

Mortgage Lenders Loosen Credit Requirements

King Solomon reminds us that wisdom and houses go hand in hand for a prosperous and blessed life. “”Wisdom hath built herself a house,” he tells us in Proverbs 9:1. Now, in spite of the tighter...

Inflation Can Be An Investor’s Friend

Most Americans believe that any inflation, however small, is harmful. But King Solomon reminds us to view the world with wisdom and discernment, and that means looking at what’s behind popular...

In World Markets, the Dollar Inspires Trust

In dollars we trust. In spite of recent ups and downs in the world money markets, that’s still the view of the venerable US greenback in many places around the globe. The reason for the dollar’s...

Human Needs Drive Investing Success

What do people really need? King Solomon knew that living a life guided by wisdom and prudence leads to prosperity that gives people what they need to feel secure, safe and satisfied – home, family...