financial management

First Time Homebuyers Are Opting Out

Throughout the many proverbs of King Solomon, houses are linked with prosperity and stability. “A wise woman buildeth her souse," he says in Proverbs 14:1. And even today, owning a home has...

Green Mortgages Save Money

King Solomon’s proverbs on wise living are peppered with images from nature, as he uses animals, weather and other natural things to illustrate his sayings about justice, wisdom and prudence. “Go to...

Student Loans: When Wisdom Breaks the Bank

We know King Solomon valued wisdom, and in his many Proverbs he encourages people to seek out wise advice and to learn from those who have already acquired knowledge. That advice remains as...

What Does the Fed Mean to You?

King Solomon’s proverbs show us a monarch concerned with wisdom and prudence, who recognized that the decisions made by a ruler have the potential to affect everyone in the realm in some way. In...

Investing Lessons From Paula Deen’s Downfall

For King Solomon, speaking wisely and justly is part of living a prudent life that’s blessed by God. “Remove from thee a forward mouth,” he says in Proverbs 4:24. “And let detracting lips be far...

King Solomon’s 5 Virtues for Investors

Across the millennia, King Solomon’s words of wisdom about living a godly life still speak to us, with truths that guide money management to this day. Throughout his book of Proverbs, the King has...

Justice for Tenants, but What About Landlords?

Justice and fairness lie at the heart of King Solomon’s proverbs about living a righteous and prosperous life. “Treasures of wickedness shall profit nothing; but justice shall deliver from death,"...