income property investing

The Government Shutdown Spares Mortgages

In King Solomon’s age of monarchs and principalities, government shutdowns didn’t happen, but his views on the obligations of rulers to make fair and reasoned decisions still stand, as the US...

The Stimulus Sticks Around – For Now

Be like the ant if you want to prosper, says King Solomon in Proverbs 6:6.”Go to the ant, o sluggard,” he says, “and consider her ways, and learn wisdom.” With the ant as a metaphor for prudence and...

5 Ways to Forestall Landlord/Tenant Conflict

King Solomon’s Proverbs speak frequently of the importance of justice and equity in dealing with others. Today, the busy rental market plays a large role in housing’s overall recovery. And because...

5 Ways to Find Good Tenants

King Solomon’s ageless advice to combine prudence with wisdom makes sense for anyone making financial decisions today. And in the current hot rental market, the investor/landlord creating an income...

Take the Tour, Meet the Experts in Austin

One of King Solomon’s key pieces of advice for prosperous living was to seek knowledge from the wise and experienced – a recommendation that’s just as valid today. And this September, participants...

Stay Focused — Fight Information Overload

This is the age of information – too much information, some say. With unlimited, round the clock access to news, facts and advice, it’s easy to lose sight of goals and plans and get lost in the...

5 Investing Apps for Smartphones and Tablets

King Solomon never had a smartphone, but he’d most likely applaud the technology as an efficient way to make prudent financial moves. Though managing investments and financial transactions on mobile...