income property investing

Investing Abroad Brings Risks

Foreign real estate lures American investors with visions of low cost properties in sunny lands. But while investing abroad can be a smooth and profitable experience, putting those investing dollars...

Low-Tech Real Estate Scams Still Thrive

King Solomon tells us it’s prudent to avoid deceitful and lying types – and there’s no shortage of those people around with a seemingly endless stream of scams to trap the unwary. And these scammers...

New Regulations May Crush Small Banks

King Solomon has harsh words about those who deceive and lie – and judging from the recent spate of lawsuits, the nation’s big banks certainly fit that description. But the sweeping reforms enacted...

Time Is On the Side of Smart Investors

When the movie Star Wars came out, France was still using the Guillotine for executions – a curious factoid that points up that what seems like a long time really may not be. King Solomon tells us...

Bitcoin Trades Trigger Online Scams

King Solomon has two important pieces of advice for a prosperous life: seek wisdom and avoid deceivers. That’s especially important in the brave new world of digital currencies, which have been...

Make Room for Prosperous Thinking

Belief and trust in wisdom can guide us to a more prosperous life, says King Solomon. And letting go of the limiting beliefs that put up barriers to new ways of seeing things can be the first step...

Smart Investors Look to Improvements

In King Solomon’s day, land meant prosperity. That’s still true, which is why real estate remains one of the most stable and secure investments. But Solomon also built a great temple, with fine...

Weather Puts a Chill on House Hunting

Did the polar vortex freeze US housing sales this year? King Solomon’s Proverbs frequently use the natural world to illustrate lessons for humans, so it shouldn’t be too surprising that this...

Prudent Investors Look Ahead

King Solomon always tells us in his Proverbs that wisdom and prudence are the keys to a successful life – and that’s a sentiment that’s reflected in Jason Hartman’s Next 10 Commandments for...

Don’t Let Stress Hurt Investing Success

“To know wisdom and instruction; to understand the worlds of prudence.” That’s how King Solomon’s Book of Proverbs begins, and being able to do these things is key to creating a successful and...