jason hartman

The Courts: Last Word In Foreclosures?

In many of the Proverbs of King Solomon, a house stands for many things: prosperity, stability and even qualities such as wisdom, or prudence. For Solomon, a house represents stability prosperity...

Baby Boomers: Changing the Housing Landscape

For King Solomon, old age was a time of reaping the rewards of a prudent and pious life, surrounded by family and the wealth of a lifetime of wise actions. As he says in Proverbs 3: 1-2, “ My son,...

Don’t Choose Financial Suicide

We feel pretty safe in saying that the number of individuals who created their wealth through a reliance on government handouts remains pitifully small. The problem is that social engineering...

Preserving Wealth With Wisdom

In recent posts we’ve been discussing King Solomon’s firm assertions that wisdom is the most valuable asset an individual can have – especially where finances are concerned. For him, wealth without...

Wealth Needs Prudence for Prosperity

Although a very rich man, King Solomon valued wisdom and learning more than silver and gold. As his writings in the Book of Proverbs reveal, the King saw little virtue in simply amassing wealth...

Wealth Has Its Privileges – and Higher Taxes

Although Solomon was a monarch of great wealth and power, and by Biblical accounts, one of the greatest of the ancient Israelite kings, his sayings in the Book of Proverbs suggest that he viewed the...

Five Proverbs For Investing Success

King Solomon’s wisdom on money matters speaks through the ages to modern day investors using Biblical guidelines for making financial decisions. With observations on managing wealth wisely, making...

The Shadow Inventory and Housing Recovery

Among the principles for prosperous living stated by King Solomon in his Book of Proverbs is patience: “A faithful man shall be much praised, but he that maketh hast to be rich, shall not be...