King Solomon

7 Quotes for Prudent Investors

As we see from his Proverbs, the great King Solomon’s words for successful money management are simple: acquire wisdom, act prudently and plan for long term gain. And those ageless principles are...

QM Rule Updates May Help Housing Recovery

King Solomon’s views on deceitfulness and unfair dealing are clear. Many of his Proverbs warn of the need to avoid the wicked and behave wisely in order to prosper – and that’s why his words guide...

More Charges Ahead for the Big Banks

In his proverbs, King Solomon made it clear that anyone who watts to live a prosperous life blessed by God must turn away from those who lie and deceive. “The simplicity of the just shall guide...

Social Media: Tools for Prudent Investors

Would King Solomon tweet – or have a Facebook page? Because the monarch valued wisdom and prudence above virtually all else, chances are, he would. Love it or hate it, social media drives business...

Retirement Realities and Encore Careers

The Proverbs of King Solomon tell us that the crowning achievement of a life lived wisely and prudently is a rich old age, surrounded by the fruits of diligent labor and a loving family. That’s the...

Prudent Buyers Rent Before They Leap

It’s well known that King Solomon advises prudence in all decision making. And that’s especially important in home buying, where an impulse purchase can end up being a costly mistake that tasks time...

New Fraud Charges Coming for Chase Bank?

As King Solomon warns us in many of his Proverbs, “wicked" people –those who lie, cheat and manipulate others – are everywhere, and those who seek wisdom and a prosperous life are advised to be...

Good Leases Can Prevent Problems

In the past few posts, we’ve been taking a look at prudence – one of King Solomon’s essential virtues for successful investing. “That thy ear may hearken to wisdom: incline thy heart to know...

Prudent Investors Insure Their Investments

King Solomon’s enduring advice for investors hinges on prudence – caution and foresight combined with wisdom. That’s the key, he says, to a long and prosperous life. Prudence dictates that it’s wise...