King Solomon

Is Gold a Prudent Investment Today?

In his many proverbs about what’s important in life, King Solomon reminds us that wisdom and prudence rank far above worldly riches, silver and gold. Today, too, as the price of gold continues to...

Vintage Homes Draw Investing Dollars

In the Proverbs of King Solemn, old age represented the crowing glory of a life well lived and blessed by God, the result of wisdom and just dealings with others. Today, too, some things get better...

Younger Investors: the Do It Yourself Generation

King Solomon’s words on wisdom urge the young to listen to the counsel of parents and other wise elders. “My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother,” he says...

Online Auctions: Risky or Prudent for Investors?

For everything from livestock to acreage, auctions have been around a very long time. Now, although those “real world” auctions are still operating, the auction process has moved to cyberspace – and...

5 Investing Tips From Rich Investors

Very wealthy investors get – and keep – their money flowing with conservative strategies that echo the best investing advice from King Solomon, a very wealthy monarch in his own tight. Even the...

New Bank Fraud Settlement, New Lending Rules?

Along with his wisdom and devotion King Solomon was known for his fair judgments, best shown by his handling of that famous case in which two women claimed motherhood of the same child. Solomon...