jason hartman

The Power of Social Media: You Are Your Profile

In King Solomon’s day, social media was most likely word of mouth. But in today’s world, the power and reach of social media sites can’t be denied. As a recent court ruling in one of the many...

The Government Shutdown Spares Mortgages

In King Solomon’s age of monarchs and principalities, government shutdowns didn’t happen, but his views on the obligations of rulers to make fair and reasoned decisions still stand, as the US...

SS 36 – “Godonomics” with Chad Hovind

SS 36 – “Godonomics” with Chad Hovind

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The Stimulus Sticks Around – For Now

Be like the ant if you want to prosper, says King Solomon in Proverbs 6:6.”Go to the ant, o sluggard,” he says, “and consider her ways, and learn wisdom.” With the ant as a metaphor for prudence and...

Are Virtual Banks Secure?

Online banking, offered as an extension of the traditional services offered by established brick and mortar institutions, has been around for a while. But now, as the world of e-commerce continues...

Americans Give Up Citizenship to Protect Assets

King Solomon’s words of wisdom for investors always emphasize prudence and foresight – ways to protect, but also increase assets for the future, like the ant in his famous Proverbs 6:6. For more and...

5 Ways to Forestall Landlord/Tenant Conflict

King Solomon’s Proverbs speak frequently of the importance of justice and equity in dealing with others. Today, the busy rental market plays a large role in housing’s overall recovery. And because...