jason hartman

Online Scams Follow Marijuana Legalization

With new opportunities come new schemes and scams, and a would be investor needs all the prudence and wisdom King Solomon advises to sort out the legitimate from the fraudulent. That’s especially...

5 Ways to Find Good Tenants

King Solomon’s ageless advice to combine prudence with wisdom makes sense for anyone making financial decisions today. And in the current hot rental market, the investor/landlord creating an income...

Take the Tour, Meet the Experts in Austin

One of King Solomon’s key pieces of advice for prosperous living was to seek knowledge from the wise and experienced – a recommendation that’s just as valid today. And this September, participants...

Home Equity Isn’t Always Home Security

Even in King Solomon’s day, houses meant security, and also represent wisdom in the great King’s proverbs. But home ownership is more complicated today ---and as a recent Washington Post story on...

5 Investing Apps for Smartphones and Tablets

King Solomon never had a smartphone, but he’d most likely applaud the technology as an efficient way to make prudent financial moves. Though managing investments and financial transactions on mobile...

3 Keys to Making Safe Mobile Transactions

King Solomon’s watchwords, prudence and wisdom, are just as relevant to today’s technology filled world as they were in the days of the great King. And as new devices make it easier to manage your...

Home Security: Avoiding Landlord Woes

King Solomon’s often-quoted advice on financial management is solidly based on the idea of prudence and wisdom – two similar but not identical concepts that have to do with heading off trouble at...